Special Education
Welcome to the Middleborough High School Special Education Department
Special Education Coordinator: Jennifer Healy x3139
Director of Alternative Pathways: Joshua Porter x3192
Phone: (508) 946-2010
Email: jhealy@middleboro.k12.ma.us; jporter@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Here you will find more information about upcoming events, what's new in special education at Middleborough High School, and additional resources to assist in navigating your or your young adult's education.
Special education programming at Middleborough High School is provided using:
1. A co-teach model which combines a special education teacher and general education teacher within the classroom
2. Specialized resource programs
3. An alternative program
"Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be." -Rita Pierson, Educator