Welcome to the best of HBB and MKG Weekly Ideas for engagement and enrichment! Each week we will be sharing some of the best activities and ideas from teachers in both buildings regarding the things you can do at home to keep your kids productive and engaged in learning.
We would also love to share ideas from parents. If you have an idea we would love to hear it. Just send us a link or a description. We would love to get some pictures of kids staying active so don’t hesitate to share those as well. Send your ideas to either email below.
Please share to our Facebook pages or Twitter handles as well so our entire community can continue to learn from each other.
Thank you and enjoy!
Lisa Grimes, Principal of the Mary K. Goode Elementary School - lgrimes@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Derek Thompson, Principal of the Henry B. Burkland Elementary School - dthompson@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Engagement And Enrichment Activites For The Week of March 30th
- Let's start the week off right with a nice Beachbody Workout! Try out Power Partners!
Create a survival guide for living on a deserted island.
Build a Rain Gauge.
- Materials needed: Plastic soda bottle, Some stones/pebbles, Tape, Marker, and Ruler
- With the help of an adult, cut the top off the bottle.
Place some stones in the bottom of the bottle. Turn the top upside down and tape it to the bottle.
Use a ruler and marker pen to make a scale on the bottle.
Pour water into the bottle until it reaches the bottom strip on the scale. Congratulations, you have finished your rain gauge.
Put your rain gauge outside where it can collect water when it starts raining. After a rain shower has finished, check to see how far up the scale the water has risen. Don't forget to dump out any rain collected each day.
- Track the amount of rain over time by recording how much rain you collect each day. You can create a table to record your data and then you can create a graph to represent your data.
Create a Science Journal.
- Staple 8-10 pages together or create your own booklet. We will use our Science Journal over the course of the week. Personalize the cover of your Science Journal.
- Head outside and take a walk in your yard.
- Look for interesting things in nature that catch your attention.
- Draw what you see and describe it.
- Save your journal because we will add to it later this week!
Check out another episode of Merrin and Me and try Leaf Rubbings.
- Fitness Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of objects to find in your home. When your child finds an object, check it off and assign an exercise to perform (10 jumping jacks, pedal for 30 seconds, 5 burpees, etc) before finding the next item.
- It's Game On! for today's suggested Beachbody Workout! Let's go!!
- Design a new game! Make your own rules, game board, and game pieces. Then gather your family and have some fun playing your game.
- Calling all meteorologists! Be a weather tracker!! Yesterday you made your own rain gauge to track how much rain you get. Now let's add to it and track the daily high and low temperatures. Add to the table you made to track rain by creating columns for the daily high and low temperatures. make one more column and calculate the difference in temperature each day. You can also graph your temperature data so you can have a visual representation of temperature changes over time.
- Have your child help plan a healthy lunch using MyPlate guidelines.
- Math is all around us!! Let's make a math journal and see how much math we see! Gather a few pieces of paper and take a walk inside and outside your home to record what different shapes you find around you. Draw a sketch of the object, name the shape of the object, and number the sides of the object/shape. How many rectangles, squares, triangles, circles, etc. can you find?!?!
- Let's get creative with Mrs. Donovan and Merrin and make our own Tie Dye Prints!
- Let's have some Funapalooza during today's Beachbody Workout!
- Design an build your own flag!!
- Take a moment to think about yourself and your family. What colors, symbols, patterns or objects come to mind?
- Using those ideas, sketch out what your flag might look like. Once you like your sketch you make your flag!
- Click here for some printable templates for your flag or gather some construction paper, markers/crayons, and scissors to create your flag. You can attach your flag to a straw, pencil, or wooden dowl to let your flag fly!
- We know you have been reading each day so to help you keep your place, let's make our own bookmark! Let this bookmark represent you!
- Grab your Science Journal from Monday, a ruler, and head back outside. Today we want you to find a plant that has begun to sprout. Create a table to record your weekly measurement of the height of the plant. You can measure the height of your plant using inches and centimeters. Gather your measurements weekly, record them in your table, then create a graph so you can see how your plant grows over time. Also jot down any observations you make about how the plant's appearance changes over time.
- Learn cursive writing!! There are plenty of great YouTube videos to help with learnign how to write in cursive. Here is one that shows the alphabet in upper and lower case.
- Build your confidence writing out your first and last name. Practice it a few times so you can get your signature/autograph down!
- It's time for Art with Mrs. Donovan and Merrin! Let's try our hand at Ink Blots.
- Crossing the midline activities Day 1: Pick 2-3 activities from below.
- Sit or stand back to back and pass a ball from side to side then change direction
If you have Just Dance Kids Try the Mmmbop song.
Side Bends 10x
Play Hot Potato
Windmill Stretches
Play Twister
- BOD Squad it is for today's Beachbody Workout!
- It's time to celebrate! Let's create your own holiday. Draw or write about what you want to celebrate. Give your holiday a name and then write about when, where, and why we should celebrate.
- Riddles are always fun! Can you create some riddles that can also turn into a savenger hunt?
- Example: You use me after playing in thr dirt. If I get in your eyes it might hurt. (Answer: shampoo)
- Need some ideas for your children? Check out this helpful site.
- Is it going to be sunny today? If so, let's make a human sundial.
- Materials needed: sunny day, chalk, family member, and a flat cement or pavement surface.
- Instructions:
- In the morning, mark an "X" on a cement or pavement surface that is in full sun with enough area to capture your shadow over the course of the day.
- Stand on the "X" facing north. You will stand in this same position, in the same way each time. You might want to put your arms out in front of your or above your head with your hands touching. Howver you stand the first, it is important to repeat it.
- Have a family tace your shadow. Inside the shadow write the time.
- Repeat this at various points of time over the course of a sunny day.
- After you draw your shadow twice, start writing down your observations in your Science Journal.
- While you have the chalk out, let's make some Shadow Art with Merrin and Mrs. Donovan!
Crossing the Midline Activities Day 2: Pick 2
- Household chores - clean the table or the counter using your dominant hand then non-dominant hand making big sweeping motions.
Bicycle Pedaling: child lies on back and touches opposite elbow to opposite knee alternating. 3 sets of 10
Exercise Ball sorting: Child lies on belly and keeps body still. Place objects on each side (red checkers and black checkers) and change them from one side to the other.
- Feel the magic of today's Beachbody Workout, Abracadabra!
- Have you ever thought about being a journalist? Let's see what it takes to interview someone.
- Think of a person or two in your family or some people you can reach out to over the phone.
- Write some questions down that you would like to ask that person. For example: when and where you born? Leave space between each question so you can take down your notes while conducting your interview.
- Now have some fun and conduct your interview!
- Let's get silly and make some Dish Soap Silly Putty!
- Materials needed: 1/4 cup of dish soap, 1/3 cup of corn starch, spoon and a bowl
- Instructions:
- Add corn starch to the bowl.
- Slowly add the dish soap to the corn starch. Your silly putty will have a tint of color depending on the color of your dish soap.
- Mix the soap and corn starch with your spoon.
- If your mixture is too wet, add a little more corn starch. If it is too dry, add more dish soap.
- Mix until it becomes too hard to stir, then knead it with your hands.
- Enjoy playing with your dish soap silly putty.
- Be sure to clean up behind yourself!
- Write a rap or song using words that rhyme.
- Bonus: Perform it for your family.
- Double Bonus: Send it to your teacher!
- Have you every made your own paint brush? Learn how to make Nature Brushes with Mrs. Donovan!
- Play an active tech games/activities like wii dance or fitness games, Cosmic yoga, kids exercise video.
Engagement And Enrichment Activites For The Week of March 23rd
- Write a Letter to a friend, family member, or teacher and mail it.
Henry B. Burkland Elementary School
41 Mayflower Ave.
Middleborough, MA 02346
Mary K. Goode Elementary School
31 Mayflower Ave.
Middleborough, MA 02346
- Paper Airplanes - Design two different paper airplane and measure how far they go. Which is the better design and why?
- Make Salt Dough with Mrs. Donovan & Merrin!
- Write in a journal about a new animal you have discovered. Draw a picture to go along with your writing.
- CAN RACE! Using empty cans have a can rolling race or set up empty water bottles and go bowling!
- It’s Time To Get Organized! Help your parent or someone at home organize a closet, cabinet, basement or attic. This is a great way to be productive, active and to do something nice! Remember that KINDNESS MATTERS!
- Start your day with a BeachBody Kid Workout! Try Groove It Out!
- Read a book and draw a picture of the characters in the story? Write about the problem the characters had to solve
- Make your own book today and read it to your family.
- Record yourself reading your book and share it with your family through social media. You can also do a Google Meet, invite your classmates and take turns reading your books to each other.
Make some noise! - Using things found in your house (especially the kitchen) create your own drum set and jam out! Be sure to ask permission first!
- If you made Salt Dough with Mrs. Donovan and Merrin on Monday, now you can paint your clay creations along with them!
- Play a throw and catch game or just practice overhand and underhand throws and catches alone or with someone else!
- Get your blood flowing with today's Beachbody Workout for Kids! Today we encourage you to try Cool Moves!
Write in a journal a fictional story about the luckiest boy or girl in school. BE CREATIVE!
Play a card game such as Go Fish, Uno, or Top It. (Top It: using a deck of cards take turn flipping the cards; whoever has the larger number keeps the cards. You can also play by turning two cards and adding them together, or by flipping two cards and making a two digit number)
Design an obstacle course! - See if you can make a challenging course and have someone time you. See if you can beat your own best time!
- Make melted crayons with Mrs. Donovan and Merrin!
- Read a story and write down the action words (verbs) on cards. Place the cards face down on the floor and take turns turning over a card and performing the action for 30 seconds - 1 minute. Replace the card and pick a new one!
- Active bodies help with active minds! Today's Beachbody Workout video is called Recess!
- STEM challenge: Using only one piece of paper, create a paper airplane that is most aerodynamic. Measure the distance it flew and add your measurement to google classroom. Upload a picture if you can!
Write a Poem about spring using your senses. Share your poem with your family and friends!
Create your own code! Earlier this week we asked you to send a letter. Today, can you develop your own code? Give it a shot and share it with someone else and see if they can crack it!
- Build a Fairy House with Mrs. Donovan and Merrin!
- Play Toy Titans: Find a safe movement space (hallway or yard). Place a pile of toys at one end of the hall and a basket/box at the other end. Assign them a new way to travel (run, skip, hop, crawl) down the hall, grab a toy, travel back and place in the box. Play it relay style if there is more than one person.