Transportation Department
Important Information
Each route does not list every stop, the routes that you see are the streets traveled by that bus. Drivers have a complete list of all the students and who is to be picked up at each location.
All Bus Times are Estimates! Buses can arrive 10 minutes earlier or later than the time posted.
Please understand that for the first few weeks of school buses may be delayed.
2024 - 2025 Bus Routes for Students
Elementary SChool ROutes (HBB, MKG & MECC)
Nichols Middle SChool Bus Routes
Middleborough High SChool bus Routes
Should you have any questions about the routes, please contact Middleborough Five Star Bus Manager, Terry Carvalho, at or by phone at 508-657-2205 for any concerns regarding bus stop changes or omissions. Should you have concerns regarding scheduling changes for student locations, please contact your school building. Lastly, please contact our registrar for any matter concerning residency documentation
Bus Contact Information
Five Star Bus Company
(Regular Bus and Late Bus)
Contact: Terry Carvalho
Phone: 508-657-2205
Website: Five Star Bus Company
If you have a Bus Stop Change Request you can process that request on the Five Star Bus Company Website.
Mini-Bus/Van Transportation
Department Head: Joan Hall
Title: Specialized Transportation Supervisor
Location: Central Office
Address: 30 Forest St, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2113
Title: Specialized Transportation Supervisor
Location: Central Office
Address: 30 Forest St, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2113
Dispatcher: Kristina Stuart
Location: Central Office
Address: 30 Forest St, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2111
Address: 30 Forest St, Middleborough, MA 02346
Phone: 508-946-2000 x2111