Crisis Intervention Supports
The Office of Pupil Personnel Services offers crisis intervention support, services and consultation to any Middleborough school community affected by loss caused by humans or natural disasters: deaths, suicides, and other tragedies. Crisis intervention allows students and adults the opportunity to process difficult experiences and regain emotional stability.
The Crisis Intervention Team includes school psychologists, school adjustment and guidance counselors who have the requisite background and training in individual and group crisis intervention. Group crisis intervention may be provided in classrooms, faculty meetings, and assemblies when large numbers of people need to process the event and its impact.
Whenever needed, a Middleborough Public Schools' Crisis Response Team will be deployed to the school(s) affected. These teams can assist in providing direct services, consultation to staff, assistance in developing communications to parents and the community, etc. When the needs warrant an even greater response, community partners will be available to the schools to provide added supports and responsive services for the community.