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About MPS Health Services

Health Services in the Middleborough Public Schools
are provided by registered nurses...

Services offered include state-mandated screenings:
Vision: Grade K-5, 7, 9
Hearing, Grade K- 3, 7, 9
BMI - Grades 1, 4, 7, 10
SBIRT - Grades 7, 9
Postural Screening: Grades 5,6,7,8,9

Screenings are on-going throughout the year. If your child’s school nurse identifies a concern after screening your child, a letter will be mailed to you requesting that you follow up with your child’s primary care physician. A form will be included for the physician to complete and return to the school nurse.

Your child’s health record is reviewed annually. If your child is in need of an updated physical exam or missing required immunizations, the school nurse will notify you.

Children who have special health care needs will have an Individualized Health Care Plan (IHCP) developed when deemed necessary by the school nurse. This is done in conjunction with the family, the medical team, the school nurse and the educational team. A 504 Plan may also be developed. These may be temporary when short-term accommodations are needed. Please keep the school nurse informed of any changes in your child’s health status.

Medication administration is through the school nurse, who also monitors it’s effectiveness through consultation with the educational team and communication with the family.

School nurses assess illness and injury each day. Our goal is to offer treatment that enables your child to return comfortably to the educational setting. If dismissal to home is necessary, or follow up with a physician is recommended, the school nurse will contact you with her recommendation and arrange with you for your child’s dismissal from school. In an emergency, your child will be given first aid and transported to the nearest hospital. You, or a designated emergency contact, will be notified immediately.

Educational programs for students, staff and families include, but are not limited to, the following:
EpiPen Training
Universal Precautions
Food Allergy Education
Eating Disorders
Hand washing
Puberty Programs
Referral to community health care providers.

Monitoring of communicable disease outbreaks in the school setting. Communication with the Middleborough Board of Health and our school physicians on a regular basis.

Resources for health information for staff, students and

Please feel free to contact any of our school nurses with questions or concerns at any time. Our school physician is Dr. Aaron Bornstein. The following link is to his practice.


Middleboro Pediatrics
2 Lakeville Business Park
Lakeville, MA 02347
(508) 947-0630