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Early Childhood Outreach Drop-In Session

Early Childhood Outreach Drop-In Session

Do you have a child between the age of 3 & 5? Are you concerned about your young child’s development in any area, including speech/language, play skills, motor skills, behavior skills, or adaptive/self-care skills? If so we welcome you to drop in anytime during the 2 hour session on Friday, February 16, 2024, from 1:15PM-3:00PM. If you prefer to have a specific appointment time, please call Melissa Deutschmann, special education coordinator, at 774-766-6491. The screening activities will take approximately 20-30 minutes. This outreach session will be held at the Memorial Early Childhood Center (MECC), 219 North Main Street (Due to construction of the MECC gym roof, please enter the parking lot from North Main Street via the left side of the MECC and come around back until you see the marked spots near the preschool annex).

  • MECC