Child Find
It is the responsibility of the Middleborough Public School Department to identify any child (ages 2.9-22 years) who is a resident of Middleborough and may have a disability. It is also the responsibility of the Middleborough Public Schools to evaluate those students to determine which are eligible for special education of related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 71B, or 603 CMR 28.00 et seq. (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations).
The Middleborough Public Schools is committed to identifying children before their third birthday in order to provide a free and appropriate public education by the age of eligibility under state and federal law. If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's development and would like to have him/her screened, please call Mrs. Melissa Deutchmann for an appointment at 508-946-2032 x4591
If you believe that your child should be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education services, please request this in writing. Include your child's name, address, date of birth, telephone number, with a brief description of your concerns to the Principal of your child's school.