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Middleborough Public Schools FY25 Budget

The Middleborough Public Schools is happy to present the Middleborough Public Schools Recommended Fiscal Year 2025 Recommended Budget. The goal of this year’s budget was to provide our school community with a level service budget- to maintain the same level of services we had in the previous year. The Middleborough Public Schools seeks to continuously improve our district while maintaining a fiscally responsible budget.

This year our district faces three significant hurdles that include increasing costs in special education tuitions, loss of federal funding that has infused the district with needed support since 2020, and a proposed state budget that provides the minimum possible allotment of aid to our community. Despite these hurdles, I am proud to share that our district has worked closely with the town of Middleborough to propose a budget that addresses our needs as a district. My proposed budget includes a 4.35%, or $1.69 million, increase in spending over the Fiscal Year 2024 approved budget. This includes the maintenance of essential positions and avoids a significant reduction in teaching staff.

FY25 Budget Request

FY25 ALL Funds Budget Request


 - Offsets (Alternate funding Sources)

 - $5,563,481 

FY25 ALL Funds Budget Request



Additional Resources 

MPS School Committee Budget Hearing

Middleborough Select Board Budget Meeting 

MPS FY25 Budget Overview Booklet

MPS FY25 All Funds Budget 4-16-24 

MPS FY25 Alternate Funding Sources (Off-Sets) 4-16-24