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Additional Insurance

As the school year begins, you have the opportunity to purchase school insurance through the Lefebvre Insurance Agency. These student plans offer different types of coverage at a minimal expense and are designed to pay those out-of-pocket expenses that remain after other insurance, such as deductibles, co-payments, and/or coinsurance. I suggest that you review your Family's Health Insurance policy to see if this supplemental coverage would be beneficial to you. 
A key aspect of this plan is the optional dental coverage, which can be added to the school day plan and the 24-hour plan. The optional extended dental plan cannot be purchased without one of the base plan options being purchased. As we are all aware, large dental bills can result from small accidents. 

Students participating in any sports programs are strongly encouraged to enroll in this Student Accident Insurance Program. 
Please take a moment to visit the Middleborough Public Schools' webpage to review the insurance brochure This information can be found on the Student and Families section. 
If you decide to purchase a plan, please fill out the Enrollment Form, enclose the proper payment and mail to the following: 

Lefebvre Insurance, LLC 
901 Pleasant Street, #1413 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

Policy Information here